Trendline equation is a formula that finds a line that best fits the data points. Because the series lines are on the secondary axis and you have not 'I have only a few data points but must forecast based on those with a moving average' Describe your data in a bit more detail (including where it is on the sheet) T. MS Excel 2003: Adding Logarithmic Trend line? I have an chart output in Worksheet 2, with some data in Worksheet 1. Windows #1 I have some data points that I am quite certain decay similar to an exponential function.
The latest chart I made, I was able to get an exponential trendline on some of the data sets, but not one of them. Microsoft Excel plots the incorrect trendline when you manually substitute values for the “x” variable. Explanation: Excel uses the method of least squares to find a line that best fits the points. I am up to date > on my Office 2003 updates. I > tried detect and repair, but this did not fix the problem. Trendline is greyed out in excel > that > i can get to.